Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Final Post

Hello everyone. So this week I decided to end my involvement with the senior project program. So no more OdySea, and no more blog posts. So thank you all for all of your comments, I genuinely enjoyed interacting with all of you.

For all of the freshman and sophomores reading this, yes you should do a senior project yourself. Although I did not complete mine, I still found it to be an incredibly valuable experience. I learned more than I ever expected to about myself, aquariums, and marine life. And I also found out that while I still have a passion for marine life, it has no place in an aquarium. I would much rather be outside than inside.

All in all, it was a great experience, just not the one for me.


  1. Hey Evan! Although I'm sad I won't get to hear more about your exciting adventures at the Odysea Aquarium, it seems like you still learned a lot in just the three weeks you were there. Hope you enjoy the rest of your third trimester!

  2. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. It sounded like a great project to do. I hope you choose to continue looking into this issue. Have a nice rest of the year!

  3. I'm really sorry it didn't work out. I hope you can find something that engages your interest in ocean and marine life more. However, I'm glad that you got the opportunity to explore your interests, and realize what is more in field of interest and what is not. Thank you for the blog, and good luck!

  4. Hi Evan, I am really sorry that you didn't complete your senior project. I really thought it was a great idea and everything you were doing sounded pretty cool too. Just today I saw people protesting about dolphins in the Doplhinaris at Odysea, so I was just wondering why did you stop?

  5. I agree, the best way to interact with wildlife is in a natural habitat and not in a caged aquarium, but unfortunately for us landlocked kids in Arizona, we aren't so lucky. I'm glad you were able to explore your interests and maybe this helped you to narrow down your interests even more and find out your passion! I hope you're able to find what you're looking for.

  6. Hey Evan, sad to see you terminate your project :(, though it was fun to see your experience at the Odysea. Just out of curiosity, why did you end your project? I wish you luck at college and I'm sorry the project didnt work out.

  7. Hi Evan,

    I'm really sorry to hear that your senior project didn't work out. I looked forward to reading about your experiences, and even though you'll no longer be working at OdySea, I'm glad you got something out of the experience. Have you considered leaning towards another project that focuses on marine life in the wild rather than in an aquarium?

    Best of luck,

    Anya Wahal

  8. Hey Evan, I am sorry to hear that you did not want to continue with your project, but if you did not enjoy doing it then it is for the best. I hope you find something to do that you actually like :)
